Our 7th-grade Expansion Basketball team is taking on Falmouth this afternoon!
28 days ago, Frank H. Harrison Middle School
7th grade expansion basketball team
We had such a fun time last night at our Jazz Night. Thank you to our jazz band members and band director, Liz Matta, for a wonderful evening of improvisation!
28 days ago, Frank H. Harrison Middle School
Jazz Night Program
Our 7th and 8th grade Boys' Basketball teams competed today against teams from Greely Middle School in the HMS gymnasium. Pictured here is our 7th-grade team between the first and second quarters.
about 1 month ago, Frank H. Harrison Middle School
7th grade Boys' Basketball team
We are thrilled to share that CMP has successfully replaced the faulty transformer at Frank Harrison Middle School, and the facility is now operating with 100% electrical power (and heat). We look forward to a "regular" day of school on Monday. Thank you for your patience!
about 1 month ago, Yarmouth Schools
Good morning. CMP has been unable to respond to our request for repairs to their equipment at Frank Harrison Middle School. HMS families are encouraged to read an email sent this morning from Superintendent Dolloff as they prepare for the school day today (Friday, December 13).
about 1 month ago, Yarmouth Schools
Good morning. We are experiencing reduced electrical power issues at HMS again this morning. CMP has been notified and will attempt to be there to address their equipment issues soon. We will plan to have a regular day at the school, though some classes may be relocated.
about 1 month ago, Yarmouth Schools
HMS is a school that supports reading by providing time during the school day to read. Pictured are three of our eighth graders reading in the HMS library today!
about 1 month ago, Frank H. Harrison Middle School
three 8th graders reading in our library
And tonight we are excited to see our 6th Grade Winter Concert!
about 1 month ago, Mandy Lewis
We love celebrating the arrival of winter with our students performing in their band and chorus concerts! Tonight our 7th and 8th grade band and chorus perform.
about 1 month ago, Mandy Lewis
concert program
Power issues continue at Yarmouth's HMS, and CMP is on the scene helping us resolve things. Thank you for your patience!
about 1 month ago, Yarmouth Schools
Good morning. Power has been fully restored at Frank Harrison Middle School. Thanks once again to our facilities and maintenance crew for their outstanding work! Enjoy the day.
about 1 month ago, Yarmouth Schools
Good morning. We are dealing with reduced electrical power at Frank Harrison Middle School this morning. We do have heat and lights in many areas of the school, and we will be able to prepare lunches. We may not be able to provide breakfast. We are working with CMP and local electricians to resolve the issue and hope to be fully operational soon. The school leadership team will make adjustments to the schedule if necessary, but we anticipate this issue will not interfere significantly with the student day.
about 1 month ago, Yarmouth Schools
HMS students enjoy cubing at the Cubing Club on Thursday mornings!
about 1 month ago, Mandy Lewis
Yarmouth families - please remember the second event in this year's Family School Alliance speaker series, sponsored in part by the Yarmouth Education Foundation. Thursday night (12/5) at 6:00 p.m. at Yarmouth Elementary School, we'll hear from a panel of mental health professionals as they discuss "Childhood Anxiety - A Community Conversation." Read more, and sign up here: https://www.yarmouthschools.org/article/1866630
about 1 month ago, Yarmouth Schools
Flier with information about the evening presentation
HMS teachers engage in interactive modeling through a variety of activities this afternoon!
about 2 months ago, Mandy Lewis
Our 6th graders have been building different types of rockets in Science as a capstone to their unit on astronomy!
about 2 months ago, Frank H. Harrison Middle School
6th graders launching rockets
Two of our Boys' Basketball teams are hosting Gray-New Gloucester today. Our 8th-grade team (pictured) just wrapped up a high-energy, end-to-end game; the 7th-grade team is up next.
about 2 months ago, Frank H. Harrison Middle School
HMS 8th-grade Boys' Basketball team in action
Yesterday, our 7th graders learned from two scientists on Maine Bioscience Day, a day where careers in the biosciences are highlighted. Thank you to our visitors from BBI Solutions who shared their fascinating work in the biosciences here in Maine.
about 2 months ago, Frank H. Harrison Middle School
Maine Bioscience Day at HMS
Our Girls' Basketball teams are kicking off our winter season with games against Cape Elizabeth today. Pictured here is our 8th-grade team. Go Clippers!
about 2 months ago, Frank H. Harrison Middle School
8th grade Girls' Basketball vs. Cape Elizabeth
Developmental Basketball Coaches needed. At the 7th and 8th grade levels, we are experiencing a high participation number for both the boys and girls teams. We are in need of an enthusiastic individual who can teach the basics of basketball to these student-athletes. Time commitment is 3-4 times per week, now through the end of January. Please reach out to Sarah Holmes with any questions - sarah_holmes@yarmouthschools.org
2 months ago, Mandy Lewis