Eight students from HMS took part in the National History Day regional competition at USM this past Saturday. The students worked on their projects over the past several months, consulting here at HMS with Mr. Potvin. Amazingly, all of our students qualified for the state competition at the University of Maine on May 3rd! Congratulations to all who participated!

Ian Kiander was awarded this year's Steingart Award! The Steingart Award is presented in honor of Neal Steingart, parent of a former HMS student, Emily Steingart, and it is a legacy in support of music education. Ian is a leader in our chorus, band, acapella, and jazz band. Congratulations, Ian!

We are in need of the following coaching positions this spring. Please spread the word!

Schools in Yarmouth will be closed for the day on Thursday, February 13. With this closure, the final student day for the academic year is moved to Friday, June 13.

Zach Strait's painting from HMS was selected to be a part of the Youth Art Month Show at the Portland Museum of Art! His exceptional piece will represent Frank H. Harrison Middle School at the YAM show and will be on display at the museum during the month of March. Congratulations, Zach!

So much fun at tonight's performance of A Murder Mystery by our Improv Club! Kudos to our talented cast and crew!

Due to the forecast for heavy snow by midday, there will be no school in the Yarmouth School Department on Thursday, February 6, 2025. With this cancellation, the last day of school for the 2024-2025 school year is now scheduled for Thursday, June 12.

Good evening - Due to the predicted arrival of tomorrow’s storm, Yarmouth Schools will run a half-day schedule on Thursday, February 6. Students at Yarmouth High School and Harrison Middle School will be released at 11:15 a.m. Students at Yarmouth Elementary School and Rowe School will be released at 12:00 p.m. Lunches will be offered at school. If we must change to a full-day closure of schools, that decision will be made by 5:00 a.m.

HMS had twenty-nine 7th/8th graders attend the District II Honors Vocal Festival this past weekend. Our students gained acceptance into this competitive honor group by successfully auditioning at the District II Auditions this past October. Congratulations to our participants - we are proud of you!

TWO-HOUR DELAY – Monday, February 3, 2025: There will be a two-hour delay to the start of school in Yarmouth today. This means all buses will run two hours later than normal for the morning pick-up. The school day will end at the normal time.

Congratulations to our District II Instrumental Festival participants! We are so proud of you. Thank you to Ms. Matta for her support of our students!

We are having so much fun with our PTO's Glow Run fundraiser! We have had students silly-stringing teachers, and today, one teacher will get pie'd! The Glow Run itself will take place on Wednesday. Keep those pledges coming! (Thank you to Mr. Callahan for taking part in a silly string battle!)

Our 7th-grade Expansion Basketball team is taking on Falmouth this afternoon!

We had such a fun time last night at our Jazz Night. Thank you to our jazz band members and band director, Liz Matta, for a wonderful evening of improvisation!

Our 7th and 8th grade Boys' Basketball teams competed today against teams from Greely Middle School in the HMS gymnasium. Pictured here is our 7th-grade team between the first and second quarters.

We are thrilled to share that CMP has successfully replaced the faulty transformer at Frank Harrison Middle School, and the facility is now operating with 100% electrical power (and heat). We look forward to a "regular" day of school on Monday. Thank you for your patience!

Good morning. CMP has been unable to respond to our request for repairs to their equipment at Frank Harrison Middle School. HMS families are encouraged to read an email sent this morning from Superintendent Dolloff as they prepare for the school day today (Friday, December 13).

Good morning. We are experiencing reduced electrical power issues at HMS again this morning. CMP has been notified and will attempt to be there to address their equipment issues soon. We will plan to have a regular day at the school, though some classes may be relocated.

HMS is a school that supports reading by providing time during the school day to read. Pictured are three of our eighth graders reading in the HMS library today!

And tonight we are excited to see our 6th Grade Winter Concert!