Dear Parents/Guardians,

 We are continuing our work on the placement process for the 2018-2019 school year. The weeks of April 2 through April 12, Laura Mike, School Counselor, will visit classrooms to help students register for band, chorus, and Spanish or French.

 Thank you in advance for guiding your child(ren) to make these important decisions about the upcoming school year. The following information will assist you as you talk through these options. If you have a question, please contact your child’s teachers, the school counselor, or administrators.

 Choices available to students:

 All students will decide whether to take band and/or chorus. Students who do not take band and/or chorus will have a study hall during that time.

Current grade 5 students will decide whether to take a quarter of French or Spanish for 6th grade. 

Current grade 6 students will decide whether to take the first half of a high school level French 1, Spanish 1, or study hall for 7th grade.

 Current grade 7 students will decide whether to continue with the second half of French I, Spanish I, or study hall for 8th grade.

 The following information provides further details about these options:

 1) All students will be asked to select or not select to take band and/or chorus for the 2018-2019 school year.

 2) Students in grade 5 are introduced to French and Spanish. Sixth grade students will choose either a quarter of French or a quarter of Spanish. At the end of  6th grade, students will choose a high school level French I, Spanish I (each a two-year sequence in the 7th and 8th grade), or study hall.

 Again, if you have a question, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s  teachers, Laura Mike, Joan Adler, or Tom McDowell.

 Thanks very much-

Joan Adler and Tom McDowell

HMS Administrative Team