Meeting Times:
6th Grade Chorus meets from 10:15 to 11:05 on Blue Days
7th Grade Chorus meets from 1:40 to 2:25 on White Days
8th Grade Chorus meets from 1:40 to 2:25 on Blue Days
Sixth Grade
Chorus at the sixth-grade level is a performing group that rehearses every other day during school time. It is a voluntary course open to all students. Its members are expected to participate with the chorus at all public performances. Instruction includes the encouragement of independent two and three-part singing, sight-reading skills, developing vocal skills, and performance professionalism. Membership in the chorus also provides students with opportunities to audition for advanced performing groups within the school and within district festivals.
Seventh and Eighth Grade
Participation in the seventh and eighth-grade chorus is more demanding than that of the younger chorus. Membership implies an ability to carry an independent voice line against two others. All students are evaluated to ensure that they are singing in the range appropriate to their developing and ever-changing voices. Rehearsals are held during school every other day. The chorus performs publicly and for school functions throughout the school year. Since the chorus is, by definition, a performing group, all chorus members are expected to participate in all performances. A variety of music and styles will be used towards the goal of fostering an appreciation and enjoyment of a broad spectrum. Opportunities arise throughout the year to audition for advanced and/or specialty choral groups and festival participation.
Who May Participate:
6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students may participate.