May Newsletter

May 8, 2022

Dear Rowe Families,

I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weekend and were able to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. It is hard to believe how quickly the 2021-22 school year is coming to a close. We just screened the majority of our new Kindergarten students last week. It is always exciting to welcome our new students and very bittersweet to say goodbye to our rising second graders as they move on to new and exciting experiences at Yarmouth Elementary School. We will have a Step-Up Day for rising first and second-grade students on Tuesday, June 14th. There will be more details on this to follow.

I am attaching the flyer for the Ice Cream Social coming up on June 1st here. This flyer was sent home in paper form in students’ folders recently. We are excited to bring back this wonderful tradition. This year, we will be hosting K-1 students and their parents along with older and younger siblings and new kindergarten families. A change from years past is that there will not be a Book Fair. We are hoping to bring the Book Fair back next year. 

Temporary nursing change:

Our nurse Pam Christensen is currently on maternity leave. Our former nurse, Jen Chadwick, is her long-term substitute for the remainder of the school year. Pam will return to her position at Rowe for the start of school in the fall.



The Yarmouth PTO is seeking volunteers for the 2022/23 school year! You can share (or update) your volunteer interests by taking this two-minute survey:

We have volunteer positions at every level, including several leadership roles. If you’d like to make decisions that impact student enrichment and help the school community, we would love to work with you. If you are interested or have any questions, please email Elaine at

Hannaford Card Load- May 18

Dates to note:

Thursday, May 26 at 7 pm - PTO Meeting

Monday, May 30th- Memorial Day – No School

Wednesday, June 1st – Ice Cream Social for Rowe School students and families, rain date is Wednesday, June 8th

Wednesday, June 15th- Last day of school. This will be a half-day for students.


Susan Lobel, Rowe School Principal