September 22, 2021 

 Dear Rowe Families, 

 I am writing today to give you some updates regarding our pool testing here at Rowe. We piloted the testing this past Monday in three first-grade classes and it went very smoothly. In addition to our nurse, we had other nursing staff who came in to assist. They will be returning each week to help. We suspect that it will go even more quickly once the children have had some practice. If you haven’t yet given consent for testing and would like to do so, here is the link: https://testcenter.concentricb... School code: yarmouthrowe 

 We will begin pool testing all classes on Monday, September 27th. If you would like for your child to test this week, you may give your consent by the end of the day tomorrow, September 23rd.

  • Students are not required to participate in the testing.
  • Testing will happen in the child's classroom.
  • Support will be available to educate and assist children - including hand-over-hand assistance, as needed.
  • Our goal is for children in the pool testing program to become independent and self swab.
  • If you know that your child has had COVID-19 in the last 90 days, they should not participate in the pool testing until after the 90-day window is up.
  • You are welcome to join the pool testing at any time, but the cut-off day will always be Thursday if you want to be in for the following Monday.
  • Each class will test every Monday.
  • If the pool comes back negative, nothing more needs to happen. You will not be notified if the pool is negative.
  • If there is a positive case in the pool, all individuals in the pool get tested again.
  • Any participants who test positive must quarantine whether they are symptomatic or not.
  • Students identified as close contacts who are not participating in the pool testing must also quarantine.

Please contact Rowe School nurse with any questions at or 846-3771. 

  Important dates to note:

  • Friday, October 8th - Professional Learning Day- No school
  • Monday, October 11th - Indigenous People's holiday - No School
  • Thursday & Friday, November 11th and 12th- Veterans holiday break - No School
  • Wednesday, November 24th- Friday, November 26th - No School


 Susan Lobel, Principal